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Home>2006-2009 News & Information

  2006 - 2009
  • Our exbition will be open in Nagasaki Prefecture Booth. (Oct. 07-10, Pacifico Yokohama) BioJapan 2009
  • Dr. Kunihiko Tanaka presented our recent work "Evaluation of the brain metastatic potency of cancer cells with BBB Kit" at the 12th International Symposium on Signal transduction in the Blood-Brain Barrier. Sept. 9-11,2009
  • Our paper on Can Kit® was published the Anticancer Research. (August, 2009)
    Hirakawa C, Tanaka K, Takaya Y, Nakagawa S, Kataoka Y, Tagawa Y, Niwa M: Development of a novel cell-based assay to evaluate the malignant potential of cancer in vitro. Anticancer Research 29: 2541-2546, 2009
  • Dr. Kunihiko Tanaka will have a lecture on "Evaluation of the brain metastatic potency of cancer cells with BBB Kit" at the 8th Cerebral Vascular Biology International Conference (CVB2009, June 28 - July 02, Sendai) on July 02 (08:00, Sendai Excel Hotel Tokyu), and also Dr. Maria A. Deli will on "In vitro and in vivo approaches of drug targeting to brain" on July 01 (11:25~11:50).
  • Our paper on the Can Kit® was accepted for publication in the Anticancer Research. (March 13, 2009)
    Hirakawa C, Tanaka K, Takaya Y, Nakagawa S, Kataoka Y, Tagawa Y, Niwa M: Development of a novel cell-based assay to evaluate the malignant potential of cancer in vitro. Anticancer Research (in press) 2009
  • Our paper on the BBB Kit was published in the Neurochemistry International. (vol. 54, p.253-263, 2009)
  • Our article on the BBB Kit is now available on line at: 26, 2009)
  • BBB2007(The 10th Symposium Signal Transduction in the Blood-Brain Barriers)
    (Sep. 13-16,2007) Nakagawa attended.
    The 1st poster prize of the symposium!
    "Role of pericytes the induction of BBB properties"
    Dr. Maria A Deli

The 12th International Symposium on SHR
-Genetics of Experimental and Human Hypertension
in Relation with Environmental Factors
(Concurrent 42nd Japanese SHR Symposium)
Oral Presentation
Title: BBB Kit (Blood Brain Barrier in vitro REconstruction Model)
Presenter: Shinsuke Nakagawa (Mizuho Nakajima, representationÅj
Session No. : Session 8
Session Title: Emerging Technologies
Date: Saturday, 21 October
Time: 17:00-17:25

Nakajima, Supervisor, had a presentation in the session 8, Emerging Technologies.
Many participants were in the sessions and gave us some good comments.

Morning Seminar in The 16th Japan Cytometry Society. July 8, 2006

Dr. Nakagawa had a presentation with the title "Ready to Use in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) model for drug transport assays," in Morning Seminar in the 16th Japan Cytometry Society. 35 people participated.

Thank for all the participants and for their cooperation and questions.

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